Haiti Kids Christmas
Dear Beloved,
Fishers of Men in the midst of our relief efforts for Hurricane Mathew survivors,  are still pressing forward for our “Haiti Kids Christmas”.  It’s not too late, let’s gear up and give these Kids something to smile about. $10-15 dollors of love can bless one of these Children in some of the poorest areas. Many of these box’s will go to the kids hit hard by the hurricane.
Every year we ship Christmas shoe box’s or we use the inexpensive nylon book bags, fill them with toiletries, small toys, Hard candy and assorted goodies for the Kids. We are believing for 3,500 box’s. We are asking churches, small groups, children’s ministries, and individuals to help out and get involved.
We need the box’s shipped to our stateside warehouse no later than November 22nd.  So we need everyone to ACT NOW! For any additional information you can contact our stateside administrator Jennefer at 321-752-6766 or email at Jennifer@fomhaiti.org . Please drop her a email to let her know you are in and how many box’s you will be sending.
Ship the box’s to:
Fishers of Men Ministries
4450-Q Enterprise Ct.
Melbourne, Fl. 32935
If you want to donate towards Haiti Kids Christmas, you can send your gift on line, on our web site: www.fomhaiti.org. Or you can mail your gift to our stateside office:
Fishers of Men Ministries
P.O. Bx. 410953
Melbourne, Fl. 32941
Linda and I along with all the staff of Fishers of Men want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support. Together we are touching a nation with the Love and Gospel of Jesus Christ. Love you all.
Pastor Jay Threadgill
Haiti update and prayer requests

Hello Saints,

I trust all of you are catching some of that summer fun and hopefully some time off from the grind. Linda and I along with our staff are working to prepare for our next school year. We have run into some temporary challenges but our faith is strong in our Lord and we know, we have the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! Most of our battles at this point is what I call the “Summer Slump”. However it seems to be slumping more than normal. For this reason I ask you to pray over a few of our challenges below. Matthew 18:19, tells us that “if any two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” So my brothers and sisters, we ask that you lift up these requests with us, knowing that our Father God will respond.

Every Summer we put together a supplies container that gives a strong foundation to what we need for the next 10 months in Haiti. Text books, School Supplies, school desks, teacher desks, chairs, tools, kitchen equipment, are just some of what is loaded each year. Presently we are about 70% done with our “gotta have Needs List”. We’re probably about $4,000 short so far. In addition we will need another $5,000 to ship the container, and to move it out of customs. We cannot start the academic year without this container. To make it all worse…we need to ship this container no later than the 15th of July so that it arrives in time to pull it off the wharf. That is about a week away. I need you to pray saints!

In addition to the food container we continue to feed kids in some of the poorest villages imaginable. I am talking about kids that cannot get a meal a day any other way. This month’s container has arrived and is being distributed… but I still need to pay the shipping of that container. $3800. I need us to pray together saints.

Linda and I continually thank our Lord for all of you who have so faithfully given into Fishers of Men Ministries. We have and will continually pour our lives into this work for the Lord. 30 years now! wow! We do need your help! We need to raise a emergency $15,000 for the above needs. Pray strong with us as we stand believing that Jehova Jira will provide.

Should the Lord put it on your hearts to financially help, you can donate by sending a check to our stateside office, or you can give on line by PayPal on our web site. So many people think… “what can I do with such a big need?” Brothers and sisters you don’t know how far a donation from the heart can go…..Below are those addresses.

Mail: Fishers of Men Ministries
P.O. Bx. 410953
Melbourne, Fl. 32941

PayPal: www.fomhaiti.org

Two projects we have not started yet but are on our hearts. #1- We want to tile our sanctuary. That is 150,000 sq. ft. of tile. Ykes! BUT GOD!

#2- We are in dire need for a new truck for Linda and I. Presently, we do not have our own vehicle. We use ministry vehicles….old and tired. God is good, and he takes care of us. Probably about a $20,000 project.

We ask you all to keep us in prayer…

We love you all! We know Fishers of Men Ministries is good ground. We know that seed sown will produce a Harvest.
God bless you for standing with us.

Until the nets are full,
Pastors Jay & Linda Threadgill