Every year the nation of Haiti is impacted during the annual hurricane season. In a nation where there is no infrastructure or emergency services, preparing for the hurricane season is difficult, at best. Mud slides and flooding are a common occurrence and damage to property or loss of life is often overwhelming. Fishers of Men Ministries provides relief for victims of a natural disaster by providing food, clean water, and shelter.

In the aftermath of the earthquake that devastated Haiti on January 12, 2010. Fishers of Men Ministries International opened their gates to those who were displaced. Food, water and medical attention were given to over 1,000 people who found refuge in the tent city created on the property.
On October 4, 2016, Hurricane Matthew, the worst hurricane to hit Haiti in nearly a decade, left the south side of the island devastated in its aftermath. The death toll was reported to be over 1,000. The property damage and loss was catastrophic. FOMM was able to transport food, clean drinking water and clothing to those victims who had lost everything in this horrific storm. FOMM partnered with a team of Haitian doctors to attend to the medical needs of the victims then once the clean up began, Fishers of Men Ministries Int’l was able to begin rebuilding several churches and schools that had been destroyed. The overwhelming support from our partners made these relief efforts possible.