The Lord spoke to Pastor Jay in 1988 about establishing a home church that would be the example for the other churches to follow. Church On The Rock Port Au Prince (L’eglise Sur Le Rocher), is the largest church Fishers of Men Ministries International has planted in Haiti. COTR PAP (L’eglise Sur Le Rocher) started in the home of Pastor Jay, under the covering of COTR International, with 6 people and has grown to a congregation of 6,000 with several services throughout the week, including bilingual services. The children’s church has over 500 children in attendance and the youth gather weekly to seek and worship the Lord. Our services are streamed live through Facebook. To join us live or watch replays of our services click on the Facebook Live button below.
Service times for Church On The Rock Port Au Prince ( L’eglise Sur Le Rocher)
First Service – 6:30 AM
Second Service – 9:00 AM
Youth Service – 4:00 PM
Evening Service – 5:30 PM
Evening Service: 5:30 PM
Prayer time Services:
Monday – Friday
6:00 AM – 7:00 AM and 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM